Monday, May 25, 2009

On Republicans Attempting to Re-brand the Democrats as Socialists

Well everybody has heard about the Republicans attempting to brand the Democrats as the "Democratic Socialist Party" or some such silly thing like that. If you haven't here is the link to a YouTube video, but I am not going to clutter up my pretty blog and embed it here, so just click on the link. These guys are just going loopy!

Here is what I had to say in the comments:

First of all, there are already genuine socialist parties like The Socialist Party. This is just bull shit. It was the banks and the auto industry that came begging for bailouts, not a hostile expropriation from the Obama administration! Oh how I wish it had been otherwise though as a genuine socialist!

So how about rebranding Republicans as:

The Republican Greedy White Man (with a few Uncle Toms) Party?

Or how about the Republican Capitalist Pig Party?

Or maybe the War, Torture, and Exploitation Party.

Or maybe just Republican Idiots Party.

Then another commenter said this:

"The GOP are the Party of the Wealthy, the Corporations, and people that don't know any better."

That about says it all. I will have to get back to the subject of the accurate branding of the Democrats as the party of false progressive hope. Another day.

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