Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Food Inc.", Another Item in Why Capitalism Sucks

Well here is another quick post and embedded YouTube trailer on a film that looks like it will be very informative, but of course never quite radical enough. I still can't wait to see it, but it probably won't be coming to a theatre near me, as I don't live in the big city with any theatres showing any alternatives to big Hollywood bullshit. But hopefully it will put another chink in the armour of obscurantist illusions about the insane system of profits above people and nature that is capitalism. Louis Proyect over at the Unrepentant Marxist has seen the entire film and has a review, and some excellent commentary.

On a personal note I have lately become more aware the consequences of capitalist factory farming from both an ecological and a healthy diet perspective. Thanks in part to the author Michael Pollan who is a featured commentator in the film. Despite that fact, it is nearly impossible, or at least very expensive and difficult to escape from the system of factory farming produced and overly processed foods. The solution is not simply for us to vote as consumers by shopping at Whole Foods or some other overpriced yuppie-hippy grocery store. Instead, to solve these human and ecological problems requires systemic transformations.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems no one cares. Oh well. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way to cuba.