Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chomsky, An Honest Equal Opportunity Criticizer

I happpened upon this recent interview with Chomsky. Of course righty-idiots assume that Chomsky is so obsessed with hating America that he rarely could ever spare a breath to criticize other countries, like those "socialist" bastards (actually capitalism with a safety net) over in France and and Sweden. But that is just not so.

"And in Europe, there are severe restrictions on what you can write. If a book or article is published in England, it has to be vetted by lawyers to make sure that no problem is posed by England's utterly disgraceful libel laws, which are a severe infringement of freedom of speech. France is much worse. French intellectuals hardly even have a concept of freedom of speech, and material is often banned. I know of a case in Sweden where a book was withdrawn by the one major left publisher because it challenged doctrines of fundamentalist religion among European intellectuals about their nobility in bombing Serbia."

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